Expert Tips for Becoming a Better Survivalist

Expert Tips for Becoming a Better Survivalist

In a world driven by comfort and convenience, the call of the wild can be both intimidating and exhilarating.

For campers looking to transform their outdoor escapades into real-life survival adventures, being prepared is more than just a Boy Scout motto—it’s a way of life.

Here are some expert tips that can help the most casual camper become a seasoned survivalist.

Carry Only the Bare Necessities With You

From the moment you step into the wilderness, your pack is your lifeline. While there are many things you could potentially use on your trip, you should limit yourself to the most important survival kit items. This will ensure your pack is lightweight and comfortable to carry, especially for longer trips. Still, even though you don’t want to overload yourself, don’t underestimate the power of even the smallest item when every ounce of preparedness counts.

Learn Multiple Fire-Starting Techniques

Fire is life’s most basic necessity, providing warmth, protection, and a means to cook food and purify water. However, the fire-starting tools you bring with you can fail. That means in a true survival scenario, you must have a backup plan.

To prepare for this, you must learn and practice different fire-starting methods, such as using flint and steel, a magnifying glass, or even the friction-based bow drill technique. Make sure you also know which types of natural kindling are best for sustaining a fire. As long as you can do this, you’ll be able to make it through the night.

Practice Building a Shelter

Of course, fire isn’t the only thing you’ll need at night. The right shelter can be the difference between life and death in extreme conditions. That’s why you must learn how to construct a basic lean-to using branches and a tarp, a sturdy A-frame, or an insulated debris hut.

Start by practicing building these shelters in your backyard or local park. This will hone your techniques and help you understand which designs work best for which environments. A solid shelter can protect you from the elements, preserve body heat, and provide the type of psychological comfort that’s invaluable during survival situations.

Enhance Your Hunting and Gathering Skills

Living off the land requires resourcefulness and knowledge of the local flora and fauna. Practice foraging for edible plants in your area, and study up on which ones are safe and nutritious. For hunting, sharpen your skills with a slingshot, a bow and arrow, or even a spear if you’re near water. These skills provide sustenance and a deep connection to the natural world. Regardless of your method of choice, always respect wildlife and local hunting laws.

Do a Few Test Runs

Finally, before you head out on a major expedition, the best tip an expert can give you for becoming a better survivalist is to take your skills for a test run by doing a few mini-trips. Take a weekend to put your know-how to the test by “roughing it” in a place that’s not too far from civilization. By being close by, you can test to see which techniques work best for you without putting your life at risk. Doing this will help you fine-tune your equipment selection and boost your confidence for the real deal in the future.