MAN’edged: So far, we have you down as a retired Marine, a father, a comedian, a true hustler (he laughs) and talented man. Is it true that you also have a vodka line called Loaded Vodka?
Riggle: Yes! We make it in Kansas city. My hometown. I’m very proud of this. We have a really really good tasting product. It’s one of those things that, over time, people will learn about and hopefully try it out.
MAN’edged: We heard that it’s gluten free?
Riggle: Yes.
MAN’edged: On that topic of alcohol, we’re here in NYC at the Intrepid Museum where Dos Equis, yourself and the Most Interesting Man in the world are on the search for the “Most Interesting Fan of College Football”. Can you tell us more about this mission and how you got involved?

Riggle: I got involved (as a huge grin begins to form) because they were nice enough to ask me. (laughs). That always helps. College football fandom in this country is off the charts. People are passionate about their sports. They just love it. So, Does Equis is involved with college football and they’re running a great contest to find the best college football fan in America. You can enter by posting a photo or video of yourself on social media talking about why you’re the best fan of college football. You can use Instagram, Twitter or enter via with #MostInterestingFanSearch
MAN’edged: That’s pretty easy!
Riggle: Easy peasy! If you win, a statue of yourself will be put in the College Football Hall of Fame, which is the ultimate in bragging rights. It’s going to be a very cool thing for the fan that wins.
MAN’edged: Are you working on any upcoming projects that readers should stay tuned for?
Riggle: Yeah, I’ve got like 5 movies in the can that are getting ready to come out this winter. It’s going to be crazy.
MAN’edged: That’s great!
Riggle: There’s an animated one called The Hench Men. There’s a comedy called Status Update. There’s another comedy called The War with Grandpa with Robert Dinero, Uma Thurman, and Christopher Walken. Then there’s a war movie with Chris Hemsworths and Michael Shannon called Horse Soldiers. Then a drama called Midnight Sun with Bella Thorne. I’m about to start a film with Kevin Hart down in Atlanta. Then Fox NFL this fall. Just trying to work and provide for the kids.
For more on how to enter Dos Equis’ Most Interesting Fan contest, click here.
Catch Riggle in the latest Dos Equis commercial below.