What to Bring for a Weekend Fishing Trip

Two guys sitting in camping chairs and fishing on a beach. They're giving each other a big high five as their rods are cast out toward the water.

Few things are better than fishing with the guys. You get to hang out with your friends, enjoy the fresh air, and, if you’re lucky, reel in a big one. However, knowing what to bring for a weekend fishing trip is just as important as getting out there with your buddies. No matter where you’re going, there are a few provisions you should have around.


One of the biggest things that can ruin any fishing trip is a nasty sunburn. You don’t want to get out there on Friday and get a nasty burn that makes the rest of the weekend totally miserable. Always remember to pack some sunscreen and reapply it as necessary throughout your trip.

Whether you seek shade or cover up with protective clothing, there are a few different ways to protect yourself from getting a sunburn while on a boat. However, sunscreen remains the essential first line of defense.

Proper Permits

Permits and licenses are another couple of key things that you should bring for a weekend fishing trip. Even if nobody checks it, you’re always better off having it with you. Not having the right permits for where you’re fishing can result in receiving pricey fines, which is sure to put a damper on your weekend.

Applying for a fishing license is a relatively quick and easy process that you can knock out before you head off on your trip. If you already have a fishing permit, take the time to ensure that it’s still valid, because an expired license is as useless as not having one at all.

Plenty of Water

Even if fishing isn’t the most physically demanding activity out there, you’re spending a lot of time outdoors and you can suffer the effects of dehydration before you know it. Remember to bring plenty of water on your trip and keep yourself hydrated. Keeping enough water in your system will make your weekend a lot more enjoyable.

A Range of Bait

Different fish are attracted to different types of bait, so bringing a variety to increase your chances of success is essential. Live bait, such as worms and minnows, is often effective, but artificial lures can also work wonders depending on the conditions.

Take the time to learn about the fish you’re going after so that you can plan accordingly. Having a mix of bait options allows you to adapt to the fish’s preferences and the changing conditions of the water. This preparation can make the difference between a day full of fish and going home empty-handed.


A successful weekend fishing trip all starts with proper preparation. Remember, the key to a great fishing experience is not just about the catch but also about enjoying the time spent in nature.