5 Ways To Fight the Summer Heat in Your Home

A man's hand reaches out with a remote to adjust his ceiling fan, which spins on a ceiling made of brown wooden beams.

When the summer temperatures soar, you may feel ready to crank up the air conditioning in your home. However, doing so can cause you to pay more when it comes to your energy costs.

Cool off without relying solely on your AC unit. Consider these five ways to fight the summer heat in your home, so you can stay comfortable and cool during the hottest months of the year.

Install Ceiling Fans

You may feel like going home, relaxing, and basking in a cool breeze after engaging in some summer outdoor hobbies to get into shape. If so, ceiling fans are a great addition to your home.

Ceiling fans create a breeze while circulating cool air, making the indoor temperature feel more comfortable. Ceiling fans can help distribute cool air when you use your air conditioning system, so you don’t have to lower your thermostat even further or sacrifice comfort.

Using a ceiling fan will help you avoid sweating from the heat and experiencing shock from the sight of a more costly energy bill. Just remember that your fan should be moving in a counterclockwise direction so it will be most effective at making a downdraft that keeps you cool.

Invest in Additional Wall Insulation

The summer heat is a great reason to add more insulation to an existing wall. Quality insulation acts as a barrier, reducing the heat that penetrates your home from the outside and decreasing the strain on your air conditioning system. You’ll save money on energy and be able to spend those extra funds on other luxuries so you can have a more enjoyable summer.

Turn Off Appliances That Emit Heat

Many household appliances generate heat, contributing to your home’s overall internal temperature. During the summer, it’s wise to minimize the use of heat-emitting devices such as ovens, stoves, and incandescent light bulbs.

Consider using your microwave or outdoor grill to cook your meals and reduce indoor heat buildup. These small changes can significantly reduce the heat load in your home, keeping it cooler and more comfortable.

Shut Your Blinds or Curtains

Closing your blinds or curtains during the day is another simple yet effective way to fight the summer heat in your home. Your windows can cause the home’s temperatures to rise if they face the sun for extended periods. Block a substantial amount of sunlight and prevent it from heating your living spaces by shutting blinds or curtains.

Open Your Windows During Cooler Hours

Although windows can increase heat gain, they can also help keep your home cool. Take advantage of the cooler early morning and late evening hours by opening your windows to let in fresh air. This natural ventilation expels hot air trapped inside your home and replaces it with cooler outside air.


You don’t have to let the scorching heat ruin your summer days. Make the most out of the season by utilizing methods, ranging from home adjustments to natural ventilation to stay cool.