Here’s a St. Patrick’s day cocktail for guys that are ready to celebrate right
Guys, don’t get caught this St. Patties day sipping on the same ‘ol drink.
Look, we know you have a favorite drink of choice already. Many guys tend to drink things that they’re familiar with and we totally get it.
Remember, our job is to help you expand your horizons and to avoid being a #dontbebasicbro moment.
St Patrick’s Day gives you another opportunity to try out something new.
Today we’re highlighting a savage, but easy-to-make (and easy to order) cocktail recipe to help you celebrate.
Meet the Bulleit Boilermaker
Why we love this
It’s no secret that we at MAN’edged Mag love drinks. Like a lot.
When we come across delicious and easy to make cocktails for our guys, we have to share it. That’s why this two-drink combo was a no-brainer.
Plus, it involves Guinness Draught and Bulleit Bourbon.
Read about our previous Guinness cocktail here and check out this super cool Bulleit distillery article here.
We should share that the best way to experience the Bulleit Boilermaker is to alternate between sipping Bulleit and slowly drinking your Guinness Draught to unleash some tasty flavor profiles.
How to make
Bulleit Boilermaker
1: Pour it: 1.25 oz. Bulleit Bourbon
2: Pair it: 12 oz. Guinness Draught
3: Sip
4: Enjoy
See we told you this was an easy one to enjoy.
If you do decide to try this out show us on Instagram by tagging us @MANedgedMAG