The Beginner’s Guide To Strength Training

The Beginner’s Guide To Strength Training

If you’re searching for ways to get muscle mass and increased strength, look no further than strength training.

The benefits of weightlifting and strength training are endless—they make you stronger, fitter, promote caloric burn and improve your body’s mechanics over time. While sticking to the sport is vital for continued growth and improved health, knowing how to start safely is equally significant.

Here you’ll explore a beginner’s guide to strength training that’s all about safety and less about ego.

Come In With a Game Plan

Whether you’re lifting at the gym or in a personal setup, the rules are the same: always have a plan before you start your session. Most people benefit from having a program as it provides structure and direction for their workout.

Since you’re new, chances are you’ll come across unfamiliar movements, but have no fear. A little video tutorial search never hurt anyone.

Don’t Neglect Your Warmup

Never start any exercise, whether with weights or not, without having warmed up first. It gives your body time to recognize what it’s getting prepared for, so take a brisk 10-minute walk or even a light jog to get those muscles going.

Prioritize Compound Movements

Compound movements such as the squat, bench, and deadlift are the “Big Three” of the strength-building world. These movements use multiple muscle groups at once and promote muscle growth and all the strength gains.

Lift Smarter, Not Harder

Despite what some fellow gym buddies think, form does matter. The better your form, the stronger your lifts and the less room you have for injury. There’s no shame in starting light and building up—hence the purpose of your journey.

Don’t Forget About Your Accessory Movements

Accessory movements are beneficial when you want a bigger muscle pump during your training. They also allow you to concentrate on specific muscle groups that, in turn, can help improve your compound movements.

It’s Okay To Have Rest Days

Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Start slow to measure how your body feels, then once you’re comfortable, feel free to incorporate more training in your schedule. Keep in mind that your body benefits from rest, which can easily make or break your workout.

It’s also essential to note that you shouldn’t start a weight training program without talking to a doctor, physical therapist, or physical trainer first.

So, while this beginner’s guide to strength training merely covers the basics, these fundamentals can take you a long way in your strength-building journey. Remember, when it comes to strength, everyone starts somewhere; however, proving how strong you are shouldn’t be a concern—unless you’re a powerlifter, but that’s a discussion for another time.