The Different Uses for Beeswax

The Different Uses for Beeswax

Many products are made with beeswax because of its useful properties. In exploring them, you may find that this material is much more multifunctional than many people consider it. Knowing the different uses for beeswax may help you find ways of implementing it into practical applications. Of course, it’s employed in the production of candles. But beeswax has many more surprising uses.


Beeswax contains antimicrobial properties that can be used to help prevent the spoiling of products. Beeswax retains moisture and can be mixed with natural oils to soothe chapped lips and skin. When combined with a variety of ingredients, beeswax offers the production of salves and balms to alleviate the soreness of muscles, itchiness with rashes and can also accelerate healing of abrasions.


Furniture polishes are synthetic products that can lead to an array of negative health effects. Beeswax is a pure way of polishing and sealing furniture to protect it from the elements and to retain the moisture in the wood. It brings out the wood’s grain and helps restore its natural beauty. Beeswax offers the same benefits of using furniture polish without exposure to toxic chemicals that could cause you, your children, and your pets harm through breathing and contact.


Combining leftover chunks of beeswax with a paper egg carton and some light kindling, such as sawdust or dried grass, can be used as ignition to start a fire. It’s never recommended that you use an accelerant like lighter fluid to start your fire, though—use organic material instead. By melting the beeswax and coating the egg carton with it, you can create a slow burn for the rest of the fire to build upon.


It’s important to have waterproof properties for work and hiking boots, as well as many other forms of footwear. When you’re facing the elements, you want your feet to be safe from moisture that can lead to bacteria growth, blistering, and even frostbite in extreme cold. With tips for waterproofing your boots and shoes, you’ll be able to use beeswax to secure your footwear. It’s a process that can be repeated as needed.

The list of the different uses for beeswax is extensive. In addition to these options, you can also use it to help protect produce you grow, lubricate metal hinges, zippers, and tracks, as well as grease your cookware. In exploring the benefits of wax, you may find the possibilities to be almost endless.