Wardrobe Tips: How To Make Your Clothing Last

Wardrobe Tips: How To Make Your Clothing Last

Improving your wardrobe requires you to do more than break the bank on expensive garments and accessories.

If you truly want to upgrade your wardrobe, it is essential that you understand the proper ways to make your clothing last longer. Luckily, you can follow these helpful tips to keep your favorite sweater or khakis in perfect condition.

Consumers typically have two choices when shopping: fast fashion or expensive clothing. While the cheaper options (fast fashion) are often more appealing, these items are likely to degrade after only a few wears and cycles through the washing machine.

As such, it’s important to prioritize the quality of materials and construction. However, this is simply the first step in enhancing your wardrobe selection—learn how to boost clothing longevity and get the most out of your purchases!

Laundry Machine Considerations

Washing and drying machines can destroy many articles of clothing, whether the damage stems from the harsh cleaning mechanics of the laundry equipment or the abrasive cleaning chemicals. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to protect your wardrobe items without spending an exorbitant amount on dry cleaning services each month.

For example, using a delicates bag in the washing machine will prevent your undergarments from tearing and stretching. Alternatively, lowering water temperatures during the wash cycle can protect more sensitive garments and fabrics from changing in shape or condition. For example, cold water is especially effective at preventing jeans from shrinking.

Alternatively, you should consider reducing how often you wear and wash your most expensive clothing items to increase their longevity. This last tip is extremely effective, and achieving successful results with this method doesn’t require any additional purchases or laundry products!

Closet Considerations

The environment in which you store your expensive clothing matters! A wardrobe should be dry, dark, and cool to prevent mold growth. You can also invest in high-quality clothing hangers made from thicker plastics or wood. Wire or thin plastic hangers provide significantly less support for heavier garments, causing the fabrics to stretch and sag.

Furthermore, sweaters and other exceptionally weighty items are too heavy for any hanger, regardless of material. Instead, fold these garments and store them in cabinets or on shelves.

Remember to spread bay leaves or lavender in spaces where you store your sweater. This natural solution prevents moth holes, and it’s a solution that costs next to nothing!

Renaissance Man: Mending Your Clothes

Every man should own a basic sewing kit for mending small tears or broken buttons to prevent needless clothing waste. Sewing kits are extremely affordable and contain all the supplies necessary for repairing your damaged garments, including a spool of thread, small scissors, a threading needle, and more. As a bonus, learning how to sew salvageable items is a useful and impressive life skill that can help you or others. Ultimately, mending damaged clothing can make you a more sustainable, environmentally friendly consumer!

Follow these three simple wardrobe tips to make your clothing last for longer periods! Remember that investing in quality garments will make these helpful suggestions more convenient and effective.