
Ricardo Seco


The “Luck” Collection S/S ’16

Our thoughts

When it comes to Ricardo Seco, our heart tends to beat faster because his collections always evoke a personal memory or emotion.  Whether his collection showcases his point of view on an orthodox hip multicultural lifestyle, fusing both urban accents with Asian inspired fashions to create the feeling of power, or the blending of feminine pastel colors to create the new traditional all American look inspired by the 1960’s, this designer never leaves us hanging.

This collection was focused around “luck”  and was inspired by “a man that knows how to play the game of life, who trusts in who he is and where he is going, without forgetting where he comes from. He enjoys all and knows his luck and essence.  He knows how to share and take advantage of his opportunities.”

The designer also gave tribute to a well known Mexican game called La Loteria, which can be seen throughout his collection. La Loteria consists of various images and the four that Seco decided to use in his were the palm, the heart, the scorpion and the mermaid. The palm signified freedom, the heart represented passion, the scorpian represented audacity, and the Mermaid represented mysticism. Seco also used a wide range of fabrics ranging from leather, cotton, neoprene, and printed fabric. His color palette consisted of black, white, and vibrant colors that made the collection pop!

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Photo source courtesy of Rebekah Schott @rebekahschott


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