5 Brilliant Ways to Freshen up Your Home for Summer

5 Brilliant Ways to Freshen up Your Home for Summer

Step up your home vibe

If your home is a mess, chances are, that says something about the rest of your life.

Make sure that your accommodations say something good about your personality.

If you’re a modern man, design your home in modern fashion. If you have a bright and colorful personality, make your home the same.

As summer rolls around, it’s the perfect opportunity to ensure that your home fits the vibes you’re trying to get across.

Give your place the new start it needs with these ways to freshen up your home for summer.

Give Your Furniture a Fresh Face

If you’re not sure where to start with your home revamp, look to the furniture. If it’s looking old and outdated, give it a fresh, new face.

For example, if you have some wood pieces throughout the home that are feeling sticky, then it’s probably time to refinish them.

There are so many ways to give the furniture in your home a new look that will better fit your personality—paint, new stains, refinishing, upholstering, and more.

Switch Up Your Artwork

Now, your home may not look like the inside of an art museum, but the art that you have in your space says a lot about you.

This can include more than the art hanging on the walls and extend to the little keepsakes and pieces that say something about your home.

For the summer, switch it up to some lighter pieces—wooden book stoppers rather than metal and beach portraits rather than dark landscapes.

Give your design a switch just like you give your closet after winter.

Go Natural

As we briefly mentioned, summer is a great time to switch up from the harsh or more modern, metallic tones and go for simple wood.

If you can, switch to a wooden headboard, for example. Luckily, though, you have more options to bring natural elements into the home apart from switching your modern pieces.

You can choose a different rug that screams light and summer. You can bring more plants in—the options are pretty endless.

Let More Light In

It’s time to let the light in—no more harsh darkness from winter. Embrace the sunshine this summer, especially since you’ll probably be spending more time at home.

Letting the light in is one of the simplest ways to freshen up your home for summer. You don’t have to knock down space for more windows (unless you want to); you can simply keep the windows open or get curtains that don’t block out everything.

Play with New Textures

A great and simple way to show your personality in your home design is through texture.

If you’re more playful in personality, add in a variety of textures—furry, wooden, linen, sleek. If you’re more straightforward, stick with more modern textures—sleekness is your friend.

Either way, in the summer, try to see what new ways you can play with texture and add more personality and depth to the home.

Still Looking For More Stay at Home Essentials?

As we learn to live with social distancing, working from home and using our homes as one giant multi-purpose room, it can take its toll.

We thought it might be helpful to create a quick list of items that would better help you cope.

Here are 4 Simple Stay-at-home Essentials To Keep You Looking and Feeling Sharp

Stay safe & healthy.

-The MAN’edged Magazine Team